Being a college student can be a hard transition. 我们在这里为您的孩子,如果他们需要支持,我们可以提供不同的选择.
1. Our office is open Monday - Friday 8am to 4:30pm. We can be reached at 563-333-6423 or at counselingcenter@yeyajob.com
2. After hours students can call campus security at 563-333-6104
3. 学生可以通过住宿生活联系他们的RA或区域协调员
4. Students have access to a local crisis line. That number is 1-844-430-0375
5. Students can call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255
6. 他们可以访问 询问、倾听、参考这是一个帮助他们更好地与陷入困境的人打交道的在线项目.
7. As a parent you can also use 询问、倾听、参考 把训练作为一种了解自杀迹象和如何帮助你的孩子的方式.
8. Students have access to the 咨询中心's page. 我们在这里发布文章, 事件, 应对技能, 我们的办公室是如何运作的, what to expect in counseling, 常见问题解答, 以及我们的虚拟平静蜂巢,那里有应对技能活动的链接.
招生和资助 Join the SAU Parents 脸谱网 page
All the Comforts of 首页
A residence hall is more than a place to live; it's a place to live with purpose and compassion. 全天候安全, 每周的管家, and Resident Assistants on each floor, 住在校园里的学生周围都是关心他们并希望他们成功的人.
发现圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app through a campus visit. Explore campus, talk to professors, learn about majors, and more. We have a variety of visit options to fit your interests and schedule!
In the classroom and far beyond, we ask our students to explore the unknown, 挑战自己的极限, and act with compassion.
It is through that journey that St. galaxy银河娱乐场app students discover their passion and after graduation, find a job to feed that passion.
In the Spring 2019 issue of 现场杂志,毕业生们分享了在SAU接受教育后取得成功的许多方法.
Undergraduate Majors and 项目
St. Ambrose offers more than 60 undergraduate majors and programs. Personalize your studies early when you apply for college admission.
In addition to accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission, we also retain several specialized accreditations as well.
圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app 居住生活 办公室与选定的外部供应商合作,为住客提供额外的便利设施. 你可以在下面阅读有关亚麻和阁楼,护理包和微型冰箱的内容.
对你和你的孩子来说,搬到学生宿舍将是一种全新的体验, so we've also provided a helpful packing list.
- 壁挂钟或座钟
- 床上用品
- 衣架
- 绳
- laundry supplies (doing laundry on campus is free!)
- 淋浴童(手持式)
- 台灯
- study needs (reference books, stapler, paper clips, etc.)
- 毛巾
- 日历
- microwave (<700 watts)
- 球迷(戴维斯球迷)
- iron/tabletop ironing board
- dry erase memo board for room door
- TV
- 电脑
- 地毯或小地毯
- plants, posters, and decorative items
- 室内烧烤
- mini fridge (4 cubic feet or less than 650 watts)
- 火锅
- 剪刀
- 小针线包
- 演讲者
- lofts (see 床单 and 阁楼 below)
- 卤素灯
- 烤面包机
- 宠物(鱼除外)
- 蜡烛和香
- pizza cookers (and other open burner items)
- 自制的阁楼
- shower caddy (those that hang on shower heads)
宿舍房间包含超长床(36“x 80”),这需要超长的亚麻布来舒适地适应床垫. 学生服务中心与外部供应商达成协议,通过 Residence Hall 床单 and Bedding. 学生们将在暑假期间收到一封信和订单,其中描述了产品和特殊包装. 请务必在最后期限前下单,确保衣物在出发去学校前送到家里.
如果你的学生想在他们的宿舍房间里有额外的空间,可以考虑租一个阁楼. 阁楼是最大限度地利用空间的好方法,它们被送到你的房间,所以当你搬进来的那天,它们就在等你.
Students wanting to loft their beds in single rooms in Davis, Hagen or North Hall must use the materials provided in their rooms. 住在其他大学宿舍的学生必须使用从学院产品处租用的租赁材料 www.collegeproducts.com/bees. 学院产品还销售耐用的蒲团和保险箱,并为校园内的所有宿舍提供送货服务.
If your student would like both a microwave and refrigerator, but not have to move them in or lose two outlets, consider renting a MicroFridge at www.mymicrofridge.com. 校园冰箱提供微波炉和冰箱/冰柜的组合,用一根电线(意味着一个插头)运行,在微波炉表面有一个插座和USB接口! 他们会为你把它安装在你的房间里,这意味着在移动的车辆中有更多的空间,而不用拖着它上楼梯或在移动的一天里等电梯!
完整的 the following checklist before your first day of class.
- 使用你高中的加密成绩单服务发送最终的高中成绩单.
- 使用学校的加密成绩单服务发送任何学院或大学的成绩单以转学分.
- 完整的 FAFSA 文书工作
- 注册您的设备(s) - laptops, iPad, etc. (must be done on campus).
- Make sure you have your 学生证/ BeeCard. The best way to get your card is to email a clear picture of yourself to hintzebahnstracy@yeyajob.com 在夏天, 您可以在到达校园或入住宿舍(如果住在校园)时到保安处领取您的身份证。.
- 整理你的 停车券
- Bring your health insurance card
- If you are prescribed medicine, 确保你有补充和计划在学年获得你的药物.
- If you are a health sciences student, 将您的体检表(由您的医疗保健提供者填写并签名)交给SAU健康服务部, Rogalski中心, 2号楼.
- 完成你的 健康的形式 and send to SAU Health Services.
- 需要学术或非学术住宿的学生可以通过电子邮件arc@sau联系无障碍资源中心(ARC).开始吧. All accommodation 信息 is confidential, and accommodations can be provided for a number of disabling conditions, including psychiatric conditions, 系统性的条件, 医疗条件, 学习障碍, 和多动症
- 握手时注册 for part-time, full-time, and work-study positions
- If you've accepted a work-study position, submit your I-9 form to the Academic and Career Planning Office, Rogalski中心, 2号楼.
- 审查 黑板上 信息
- 对于有治疗师或精神科医生的学生:我们建议在休息时间安排随访预约. 的分 咨询中心 can help you find local support if needed. 参观 咨询中心 portal page for a list of mental health support services.
- 在7月或12月的前几周注意你的第一个账单,并检查你的付款选项.
- 养成查看电子邮件的习惯,以获取重要信息和/或教师关于即将到来的课程的信息. If you have issues logging in to your SAU email, call the SAU Helpdesk at 563-333-6368 and include your full name. You'll be asked to provide an alternate email to send a new password.
- 下载 St. galaxy银河娱乐场appLiveSafe应用程序, our emergency notification and campus safety system.
- 完整的 the GetInclusive modules (links sent to your SAU email):
- Welcoming and Just Communities
- Sexual Violence Prevention (Title IX)
- 酒精和其他药物
Residential students are those living in campus housing.
所有学生应在到校前填写上述清单, in addition to the list below:
- 提交你的住房合同,并(如果需要)要求室友或室友! 住房合同5月15日开始,我们希望室友/室友的请求在6月5日之前提交. You'll get your official assignment email in July! 参观 居住生活 portal page for more 信息
- If you plan to rent a loft for your room, visit collegeproducts.com/bees. 我们建议利用他们的早鸟折扣,并在8月1日之前订购!
- 在夏天,你会得到更多关于房间分配、入住日和欢迎周的信息.
- 审查 packing tips (listed above under "打包什么")
- Consider bringing the following items: first aid kit, 增湿器, 空调(适用于有过敏或其他健康问题的人,他们被分配的住房没有空调. 在这些有限的情况下,空调需要您的医疗保健提供者的说明).
1. 完整的NAIA文件(PlayNAIA)为SAU运动员打一个秋天的运动:
步骤1: Create an account on PlayNAIA (NAIA Eligibility Center)
Step 2: Add your sport and SAU to your "shortlist"
Step 5: If you have questions, contact your coach.
2. 将您的体检报告(由您的医疗保健提供者填写并签名)交给SAU健康服务部, Rogalski中心, 2号楼.
From the 咨询中心
Being a college student can be a hard transition. 我们在这里为您的孩子,如果他们需要支持,我们可以提供不同的选择.
1. Our office is open Monday - Friday 8am to 4:30pm. We can be reached at 563-333-6423 or at counselingcenter@yeyajob.com
2. After hours students can call campus security at 563-333-6104
3. 学生可以通过住宿生活联系他们的RA或区域协调员
4. Students have access to a local crisis line. That number is 1-844-430-0375
5. Students can call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255
6. 他们可以访问 TAO (Therapist Assisted Online) or 询问、倾听、参考, our online programs by using their sau.Edu邮箱地址.
7. As a parent you can also use 询问、倾听、参考 把训练作为一种了解自杀迹象和如何帮助你的孩子的方式.
8. Students have access to the 咨询中心's portal page. 我们在这里发布文章, 事件, 应对技能, 我们的办公室是如何运作的, what to expect in counseling, 常见问题解答, 以及我们的虚拟平静蜂巢,那里有应对技能活动的链接.